What to Include in a Lodger Agreement

As a homeowner looking to rent out a spare room, it`s essential to have a lodger agreement in place. This is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of the tenancy and protects both the landlord and the lodger. Here`s what to include in a lodger agreement:

1. Names and addresses

The lodger agreement should include the names and addresses of both the landlord and the lodger. This is important for identification purposes and for contacting each other if needed.

2. Rent and payment terms

The agreement should clearly state the rent amount and when it`s due. You should also include information about how the rent is to be paid, such as by bank transfer or cash. Additionally, you may want to include information about any deposit required and how it will be returned at the end of the tenancy.

3. Duration of the tenancy

The lodger agreement should specify the start and end dates of the tenancy. This helps both parties understand when the lodger is expected to move out.

4. House rules

It`s a good idea to include any house rules in the lodger agreement. This could include restrictions on smoking or pets, and guidelines for using shared spaces such as the kitchen and bathroom.

5. Utilities and bills

The agreement should outline which utilities the lodger is responsible for paying, such as electricity, gas, and internet. It`s important to be clear about who is responsible for paying these bills to avoid confusion or disputes.

6. Access to the property

The agreement should include information about when and how the lodger can access the property, such as using a key or a code for a lockbox.

7. Termination of the tenancy

The agreement should specify the circumstances under which the tenancy can be terminated, such as if the lodger breaks any of the rules outlined in the agreement. It should also include information about how much notice is required to end the tenancy.

In conclusion, a lodger agreement is an essential document for any homeowner renting out a room. By including these key elements in the agreement, you can ensure a smooth and hassle-free tenancy for both you and the lodger.